Saturday, July 27, 2013

In about 2 weeks I will be moving into a new classroom in a brand new school.  My digital classroom equipment will be part of the new school experience!

With one year of classroom experience in the digital classroom, I realize I have so much more to work on.  How do I use the iPads effectively as a learning tool other than for research?  It seemed the further we got into the school year, the iPads were used more and more for research alone.  If we were to use the apps to create projects and display learning, I ran into issues of being able to look at students' work and to publish it.  This will be my challenge this 2013-2014 school year.

The Cano Freshman Academy will allow BYOD (bring your own device) for instruction.  I had thought last year that most of my students would have smart phones, but this was not the case.  Thinking of ways to make technology available to all my students will be a priority.  I will be utilizing the Flipped Classroom technique this year, and students will need access to the digital world to access the information.

I hope to do better with my blogging this coming school year!